
Showing posts from May, 2017

Now Accepting Submissions for AURi Radio

The first 40 unsigned artists per station are guaranteed an artist profile (on the website and the app) radio play, interviews, and promos on one of our first 10 AURi stations: Be one of the first 40 artists on one of these 10 stations: Alternative  Christian & Gospel  Classical  Country and Blue Grass/Folk  Dance & EDM  Hip-hop, R&B, and Soul  Rock  Spanish and Mexico  Top 40 and Pop  Writers/Dance/Visual Arts Artists must include the following information  via email : Name Age Location Genre Short bio 1-3 images  1-3 media files (Writers/Dancers/Visual Arts artists may include more images if no media files.) The writers, dance, visual arts station will include:  (Authors, Poets, Spoken Word, Lyricist and Street Poets, Screen Writers, Song writers) (Ballet, Tap, Modern, Contemporary, Locking, Salsa, Street, Jazz) (Sculpture, Painting, Film, Photography, Actors, Fashion, Graphic Design,...

C.E Dimond - Author

Winnipeg, Canada is known for a lot of things. A hand full of stereotypes. Many of them false. But, even a local news reporter admitted that the man-eating mosquitoes and harsh winters that make polar bears want to stay inside are real. Hey, if it's on the news it must be real right? Like seriously, who reports fake news? Oh...Where were we?  AURi discovered another reality of Winnipeg: young adult fantasy writer, C.E Dimond .  Thanks to her short bio and the FAQ on her website  we know that she's been writing since Grade 6 and that she's obsessed with revising everything that she writes. We also know that she's of Irish decent, but even without alcohol she admits that she often suffers from constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth. (She's not alone.) This should be so much f un: AR: Our translator is not in the office today so please bear with us. (just kidding) But, since you're Canadian, explain what the following phrases mean to you: boo...

Dana Fraedrich - Short and Sweet

"Independent author, dog lover, and self-professed geek." That's nearly her entire bio on her website . Other than the fact she's a Virginia native that currently resides in Tennessee, Dana Fraedrich is a mystery. Yes, everything about her is short and sweet.  It took a little digging, but AURi  managed to find a few facts about this young adult fantasy author to support our "short and sweet" theory. Exhibit A :  In a picture feature on Where the Reader Grows  we noticed a picture of her standing nearly eye-level with Yoda while Darth towered over her. Short . Chandra, the inter view her described Dana as one of the sweetest people she has met on Instagram. Sweet .   Exhibit B : Okay, so there's no Exhibit B because we had to keep it short and sweet. But, we are certain that our theory will prove true.  Dana is no stranger to interviews. So, AURi had to turn up the heat: AR: We noticed that you play with your hair color. Do you imagine y...