The Mysterious Becky Wright

At first glace, you might mistaken Becky Wright for the lovechild of John Astin and Caroyln Jones (actors from The Addams Family). AURi is here to dispel those rumors. However this Sudbury, England native is no stranger to creepy and uncanny. 

“I was raised in a house of great imagination, being surrounded by books and storytelling. My mother was always reading, having a novel mid-chapter, with a library in our spare room; it’s now apparent she preferred fictional guests. My father was a great weaver of tales, giving life to characters from his youth and travels, whether true or not I savoured those stories, nurturing my imagination.” - (excerpt from

As if lions, tigers, and bears are not interesting enough, the paranormal and the unexplained is what piqued Becky's interest. Perfecting her craft across many mediums of publication, the supernatural and historical fantasy writer eventually relaunched the first part of The Legacy Trilogy: Remember to Love Me in October 2016.
Yet, AURi wanted to know more.

AR: You have been writing for more than 15 years. Take us back to that moment and explain what sparked your journey into the literary world.

BW: As with most authors you’ll ask, I've been creating stories as soon as I could hold a pencil. But yes, 15 years ago I began to write freelance for blogs, online articles, as well as a monthly column for a local printed publication.
My debut novel, 'Remember to Love Me’ was originally published by a local publisher in 2008, it had been a labour of love for years, initially for my own need to write, not necessarily for other eyes. Soon after that life changed and I stepped away from my writing career for a while. However, last year, I took the book, gave it a new edit, commissioned a new beautiful cover...and, hey presto, I'm back writing full time.

AR: Well, we're glad you're back to writing. Who were your favorite authors growing up?

BW: Not being one of those who read complete collections of Enid Blyton or C. S. Lewis, fairytales were my escape. It was the likes of Hans Christian Andersen and Grimm that carried me off.
Although, the moment that truly changed everything, came thanks to my English teacher. At the tender age of 10 I was introduced to Dickens and Shakespeare, it was Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’ that cemented my love of literature.

AR: It's a wonderful thing to never let the kid in you die. Do you feel that the little girl in you inspires the books you write?

BW: That's is a very good question, I feel blessed to be able to say I write full time, that in itself is this little girl's dream.
Regarding inspiration from my books, the core essence of 'Remember to Love Me’ is family loyalty, and love of two sister, I certainly drew on my own upbringing and indeed my life as a mother, all the emotions are real and experienced.
‘The Manningtree Account’ is a very different book, dark and sinister, I’ve no doubt my love of Grimm’s fairytales lay at the root of it.

AR: Your novella, The Manningtree Account, is obviously inspired by your fascination with the supernatural world. Please, share with our readers what excites you about this book.

BW: Undoubtedly, my fascination, and sometimes obsession with the supernatural, inspires all of my writing in one way or another. But, ‘'The Manningtree Account’ is very special to me, it has all the elements I love and look for in a book...history, a time slip element, ghosts, and a deliciously dark twist. It’s very dark without being a horror, instead it's psychologically unsettling.

AR: The Legacy Trilogy sounds exciting. We know about Remember to Love Me and Rose de Mai, when can we expect part 3?

BW: I'm excited to finish the trilogy, simply to have the readers feel the story in its entirety. Of course 'Remember to Love Me’ is a complete story in itself, but as a whole the trilogy takes us full circle, with a sense of completion.
I'm currently working on book 2, ‘Rose de Mai’ with an anticipated release this coming Winter. I've learnt not to be too strict with release dates until you honestly have your end in sight, as things can always pop up, but at the moment it's on track. Book 3, ‘Serenade’ has a tentative release set for Autumn 2018, of course, nothing definite yet. 

AR: You use trailers to help promote and advertise your books. How beneficial do you find this medium? 

BW: I have a love for all forms of media, so using book trailers is as much for my pleasure as a sales tool. They are so fun to create. I'm not sure how effective they are over any other medium, being an Instagram post, Facebook update of a Tweet. They have had great response and readers obviously enjoy them, that is enough for me to continue to make them.

AR: You're part of a tight community where you help promote one another. What attracts you to AURi? 

BW: I'm a great believer in supporting others. The community on Instagram is incredible, with some becoming true friends. The life of an Independent Author can be a juggling act, all we really crave is to write, but we are in charge of our own promoting, so to find others who know exactly how it is, to share the highs and the's priceless.
When I came across AURI I saw a like-minded thought set, I'm happy to help and work with those who feel the same. It's been an absolute pleasure working with you, thank you.

It seems that great minds think alike. To connect with Becky Wright, click on the links below: 

AURi...where u and i come together.


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