Call Her Kizzy

Kezia Arterberry (bka Kizzy) may be the sweetest woman in the world...according to AURi not The Pretenders.
The Arizona native and graduate of Grand Canyon University is a Behavior Health Tech that works with severely mentally ill patients by day, and a busy author/blogger/ inspirational spoken word poet by night.
Doesn't sound like much? Well the blog is all about motivating others to be the best they can be. Why?
"Personal experience. When I was younger, I struggled with depression, social anxiety and stress. The struggle was really-real! But, I overcame and I believe I discovered my purpose in the struggle.. To uplift and encourage others, so that they can overcome as well!"
Totally unselfish, right? Yeah, yeah. We know. At this rate, she'll be able to add "International Philanthropist" to her resume before she's 30-something. 
AURi decided to check it out.

AR: First off, AURi wants to commend you on the great work you do in such a tough field. You mentioned being an author. Do you have any published works?

KA: Thank you and yes I have two books out right now; Brokennedy (Broken and Needy) and Shout Out to the World. Brokennedy is a short romance story about two friends who discover what love really is, through conflict and heartbreak. But, there is a happy ending! Shout Out to the World is my first book of inspirational spoken word poetry.

AR: Very nice. We would love to see those. Now, the Grand Canyon University community recently suffered a tragic event which led to lives being loss. Did you know any of the victims?

KA: Incredibly heartbreaking. I did not know any of the victims. But, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the friends and family of those who loss loved ones in the tragedy.

AR: Yes, we second that sentiment. What led to you expressing yourself in poetry over all other art forms?

KA: Growing up, I was the socially awkward and shy kid who was always by herself. No matter how shy, reserved or introverted a person may be, we all need a way to express ourselves. For me, that was always through writing. What drew me to spoken word specifically was the freedom, rhythm and the opportunity to be vulnerable. There’s so many layers to this art form. Writing poetry is great, but I especially love the performance aspect of spoken word, because you can really express yourself and in a sense, bring the poem to life. Likewise, it's like magic on stage - witnessing another poet perform as well!  Despite being shy, I always found courage when I stepped on stage, took the mic and expressed myself through poetry. 

AR: So true. You recently performed at the Infuse-Open mic event in Phoenix. What was the name of the piece and why did you choose that one?

KA: The name of that poem is “Woman Enough” which is all about self-discovery and embracing your past. I’m pretty spontaneous when it comes to open mics. So, I usually choose a poem that I feel fits the energy and vibe best and that I feel I connect to the best, in that moment. 

AR: Got it. Spoken word is a craft often confused with rap. How do you explain the difference to those who don't know better?

KA: That is a great question! You know, I used to always say that spoken word is just rap without a beat. But, it’s definitely more than that. The similarity between the two is noticeably the rhythm. But the difference is that with rap, the beat is usually consistent throughout the song. But, with spoken word, you can mix it up as much as you want and it won’t particularly mess up the flow. Spoken word is free verse. Rap has more structure.

AR: Well put. What's the biggest crowd you've ever performed in front of and how enjoyable was that experience?

KA: The biggest crowd I’ve performed for was somewhere between 300 to 350 people and it was an amazing experience. It was thrilling, but I can’t wait to perform for bigger crowds, because the energy in the room is overwhelming and unbelievable, but in a good way! 

AR: Energy is a big motivator. Here at AURi, we are all about positive energy and helping artists realize their goals. What attracts you to AURi and what do you hope to accomplish here?

KA: I love that AURi is all about helping artists realize their goals and bridging the gap and connecting artists too! I think that in a world where most people seem to be looking out for themselves, it’s important now, more than ever for people, and artists especially, to come together and support each other! There’s room for all of us to win and succeed. That being said, I’m definitely looking forward to networking with and supporting other artists! 

Join AURi and connect with Kizzy at the links below:


AURi...where u and i come together. 


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