Meet Courtney Trowman

CC Bella
AURi Radio artist and personality.

All are proper nouns that correctly title the genius that is Courtney Trowman. 
In fact, on her website, she simply describes herself as:

"a writer, dancer, artist, actor, yogi, world traveler, music whore, tattoo collector, book nerd and Superhero!"

Mysterious? Admittedly so. Other than the quote above, the only other thing we have to go on is this:

"She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire"
- Charles Bukowski

With her latest literary release Nefelibata available now, we are inclined to take this "cloud walker" at face value. You know, Starbucks over Panera (a dirty chai, two shots with coconut milk) no dairy, amaryllis over orchid, and 'pickle is to cucumber as CC Bella is to'...we still don't know.
But, AURi decided to dig a little deeper:

AR: When did you get into dance?

CC: Started in ballet at age 5. Danced till I was 15 and I didn't get back into dance until I was 23. I ended up in modern and was lucky enough to get invited to be part of a modern/low flying aerial/dance theater company.

AR: Nice. The quote on your website seems so appropriate (once someone starts to learn about you) But what does it mean to you?

CC: I'm pretty straightforward - to me, it means what it says. I don't think I'm mad like I'm crazy, but I can be a very fiery personality.

AR: You seem to be all over the art world with many avenues of art within your veins. Do you have a forte?

CC: I've always been a jack of all trades and master of none, hahaha....maybe writing.

AR: Do you have a favorite piece of writing? Better yet, if you had one shot to put out a representative piece that told writers in the future who you are, what would it be?

CC: Nope. Unfortunately, I have no idea. I don't feel like I could do that...or would want to. I cannot be summed up in a single piece or poem. I am more than the story that one poem or blog might tell - I am many stories.

AR: What is your proudest accomplishment to date as an artist?

CC: Giving away old paintings for free. I set them around town (downtown Savannah) with semi-anonymous and personalized 'love' letters to the new owners. A married couple found the one most personal to me and reached out to me on Twitter after searching #ccbella which was how I signed the letters.

AR: What is your vision/hope for AURi?

CC: We as artists all work so damn hard self promoting and I think that 'work' could be cut in half when we all come together and are doing it for one another. I also would love to see people from different genres come together and collaborate on projects they might not otherwise have access or exposure to and create something totally NEW! 
I also want to create a safe space where artists are building each other up. We all face probably a great deal of rejection and critics' comments...instead we need encouragement and inspiration to keep us going rather then make us feel defeated. 

AR: Said beautifully. If you could do one thing for the rest of your life and money was no object, what would it be?

CC: That ONE thing, hahaha, would be continue to write, dance, make weird collage art, and travel.

AR: One thing, huh? A typical CC Bella answer.

CC: Exachary!

You can't help but be drawn to a unique artist like Courtney Trowman. She wants the best for all artist all around the world. 
What about you?  Join her. Join us. 

AURi...where u and i come together!


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